Chinese Culture University Regulations Governing Grants and Incentive Rewards for Faculty Members and Students Participating in Academic Competitions (2018)

Adopted by the 1673rd Administrative Council on 03 OCT 2002
Amended and adopted by the 1677th Administrative Council on 02 JAN 2013
Amended and adopted by the 1684th Administrative Council on 03 JUL 2013
Amended and adopted by the 1701st Administrative Council on 05 NOV 2014
Amended and adopted by the 1704st Administrative Council on 04 FEB 2015
Amended and adopted by the 1721st Administrative Council on 01 JUN 2016
Amended and adopted by the 1741st Administrative Council on 03 Jan 2018
Amended and adopted by the 1751st Administrative Council on 05 Dec 2018

Article 1
The present Regulations are prescribed by the Chinese Culture University (“the University”) to incentivize participations in national or international academic competitions by faculty members either as participants or as student coaches and by students as participants for the purpose of increasing their professional competitiveness and enhancing the reputation of the University.

Article 2
For the purpose of the present Regulations, national or international academic competitions referred herein include any themed and creative works competition, teaching media competition, software programming competition, public speaking competition, literary or art creation competition, invention competition, design competition, architectural or interior design competition or a competition/contest for which participation is designated by the University.
For the academic achievements eligible for the Regulations Governing Incentive Rewards for Achievements in Academic Research of the University, please follow its guidelines to submit applications.
Academic activities such as exhibition games, invitational tournaments, and non-competitive matches are not covered in the scope of the present grants and incentive rewards.
For the purpose of the present Regulations, faculty members and students refer respectively to the full-time and part-time faculty members and currently enrolled and duly registered students of the University.

Article 3
For the purpose of the present Regulations, a national competition refers to any professional academic or skills (arts) competition that is either organized, commissioned by a central government agency or a competent authority at the local governments, or, any important nationwide public competition that is organized by a domestic/foreign academic group or a corporation, provided that participants come from three or more regions among the northern, central, southern, eastern parts, and the offshore islands of Taiwan.

Article 4
For the purpose of the present Regulations, an domestic international competition refers to any professional academic or skills (arts) competition that is either organized, commissioned by a central government agency or a competent authority at the local governments, or, any important international public competition that is organized by a domestic/foreign academic group or a corporation; and provided that the competition is held in English or with English translation available, and participated by at least five countries and/or regions, which refer to the Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau (hereinafter referred to as “Regions”); any competition with less than five participating countries and/or regions shall be regarded as a national competition.

Article 5
For the purpose of the present Regulations, an oversea international competition refers to any competition held by a foreign country or any of the Regions; and provided that the competition is held in English, or the language of the hosting country with English translation available; and participated by at least ten countries and/or regions; one that is participated by five to nine national or regional teams shall be regarded as a domestic international competition; and, one that is participated by less than five national or regional teams shall be regarded as a national competition.

Article 6
Any faculty member, either as a participant or as a student coach, or student, as a participant, who participates in an oversea international academic competition (including students attending an international conference with a full paper submission) shall be eligible to apply for a grant to cover a part of the expenses per the following principles:

  1. The applicant must attend the competition on behalf of the University and obtain prior approval of the pertinent department and college.
  2. Any applicant who qualifies for a grant from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, the Intellectual Property Office or any other relevant agency shall apply for such grant from the agency; for any applicant who has received a grant, the University shall pay out a matching fund in accordance with the relevant provisions for said grant, and make up any difference between the grant awarded and a grant that would be provided per the “Regulations Governing Grants to Full-Time Faculty Members for Attending International Academic Conferences” of the University.
  3. For any applicant without a relevant unit to sponsor an application for grant or received no grant from such relevant unit, a review shall be conducted by the Office of Research and Development, and when necessary, shall be submitted to the Academic Review Committee for review; once approved, within available budget provisions, a grant shall be awarded to the faculty member or student per the “Regulations Governing Grants to Full-Time Faculty Members for Attending International Academic Conferences” of the University. For any competing piece of work or paper that is completed by several faculty members or students, only one person may be the grant recipient for such work or paper.
  4. For any oversea international competition with only five to nine participating countries and/or regions, the approved applicant receive a grant reduced by 50%; for one that is with less than 5 countries and/or regions, no grant shall be awarded.
  5. If all of the works for participation in a competition are used to apply for Republic of China patents (“ROC patent”) with the University as the assignee, upon approval, a grant may be awarded by the University to cover relevant expenses required for such invention(s), including any registration fee, review/examination fee, translation fee, booth fee, goods transportation fee, and per diem; reimbursement of the relevant expanses shall be based on the actual expenses incurred and be supported by the receipts therefor; funding for grants shall be adjusted annually on the basis of the budgetary provisions of a given year.
    If only a portion of the works for participation in a competition is used to apply for an ROC patent, the “Regulations Governing Grants to Full-Time Faculty Members for Attending International Academic Conferences” of the University shall govern.
  6. Any work used for applying for a grant shall satisfy the following criteria in terms of applying for an ROC patent with the University as the assignee:
    (1) if the work has not yet been awarded an ROC patent certificate, an ROC patent application number shall be acquired at least three months prior to departure for the competition;
    (2) if the work has been awarded an ROC patent certificate, the validity of the patent shall be no less than one month from the date of the international invention exhibition intended for participation; and,
    (3) a physical sample of the work shall be made for review purpose before filing of an application for grant.
  7. Grants shall be awarded, in principle, once per year to a same faculty member or student for participations in oversea competitions and shall require the receipts to be submitted for the reimbursement of the actual expenses incurred.

Article 7
For faculty members or students who participate in competitions and are awarded prizes, the University shall provide incentive rewards to the individual participants or team participants, where team participants refer to joint participation by two or more individuals in a competition; available quota for incentive rewards shall be adjusted annually on the basis of the budgetary provisions of a given year; and, incentive rewards shall be paid out per the following (denoted in NTD):

The above incentive rewards for teams refer to the total amount that a team may receive; team participants shall agree amongst themselves the distribution of the incentive reward and sign an “Incentive Reward Distribution Agreement.”
If the international competition participated is included in the list of international competitions as set out in the “Regulations for Incentivizing Students to Attend International Art and Design Competitions” of the Ministry of Education, or in the list of “internationally renowned invention exhibitions” as promulgated by the Intellectual Property Office, an additional incentive reward of 10,000 NTD shall be awarded. An applicant may receive up to two incentive rewards at one competition.
If the members of a team comprise a person who is neither a full-time faculty member nor a student of the University, then the incentive reward shall be paid out on the basis of the proportion that faculty members and students of the University account for in the total number of team members.
If the participation in a domestic international competition is in the form of a submission of poster(s), then the incentive reward shall be paid out according to the incentive reward standards for national competitions. If the participation in an oversea international competition is in the form of a submission of poster(s), then the incentive reward shall be paid out according to the incentive reward standards for domestic international competitions.
If the organizer of a competition does not provide ranking and placements, incentive rewards shall be awarded on the basis of the following principles if proof can be provided:

Article 8
Any faculty member who participates as a student coach in a competition and comes within the top three places, an incentive reward shall be awarded to the coaching faculty member on the basis of the following principles (denoted in NTD):

For a same competition, a faculty member may receive up to three incentive awards for the winning teams coached.

Article 9
Prior to participation in a competition, the applicant shall prepare the following relevant documents, which shall be reviewed by the department and college then submitted to the Office of Research and Development. An application that qualifies for a grant per the present Regulations shall be submitted by the Office of Research and Development to the President for approval thereby for grant disbursement, and when necessary, shall be submitted to the Academic Review Committee for review.

  1. An application form for grants provided to faculty members and students for participation in academic competitions.
  2. A letter of invitation or a letter of admission to the event.
  3. A thematic poster of the competing work, an audio/video file or the submitted full paper.
  4. A document demonstrating participation on behalf of the University.
  5. A document indicating any grant awarded by other institutions or denial of grant applications by other institutions.
  6. A document demonstrating the number of countries/regions participating the completion when necessary.
  7. For any student less than 20 years old, a letter of consent from the guardian(s).
    The applicant approved for a grant shall, within 30 days after the competition (or, for competitions held during summer/winter breaks, within 30 days after the start of the immediate semester), submit the following documents to the Office of Research and Development for the grant to be awarded; late submission will cause the grant to be revoked except for exceptional circumstances.
  8. A written report describing the participation in the competition (including photographs of on-stage presentation or contest).
  9. A receipt issued by a travel agency for the flight ticket(s), the e-ticket, the boarding passes, and other documents and certificates required for reimbursement.

Article 10
The applicant for an incentive reward shall, within 6 months after the competition, submit the following relevant documents to the Office of Research and Development after being reviewed and approved by the department and college. An application that qualifies for an incentive reward per the present Regulations shall be submitted by the Office of Research and Development to the President for approval thereby for incentive reward disbursement, and when necessary, shall be submitted to the Academic Review Committee for review.
For the application submitted 6 months after the competition and within one year, an incentive award in adjusted amount may be awarded or no incentive reward within available budget provisions; for the application submitted a year after the competition, no incentive reward will be awarded.

  1. An application form for incentive rewards provided to faculty members and students for participation in academic competitions.
  2. A written report describing the participation in the competition (including photographs of on-stage presentation or contest).
  3. A certification of the placement won.
  4. For team participants, a furnished “Incentive Reward Distribution Agreement.”
  5. A document demonstrating the number of countries/regions participating the completion when necessary.

Article 11
Any applicant who qualifies for incentive rewards shall select either the present Regulation or another incentive reward regulation of the University as the basis for application, reception of overlapping incentive rewards is not allowed. This limit, however, is not applicable when an incentive reward is provided by a college/department from self-financed funding thereof or redistribution fund fed back from administrative management fees.
Article 12
The present Regulation and any amendment thereto shall be promulgated and implemented upon being approved by the Academic Review Committee and the Administrative Council.

※ In case of any discrepancies between the Chinese original and this translation, the Chinese original shall prevail.

04-Chinese_Culture_University_Regulations_Governing_Grants_and_Incentive_Rewards_for_Faculty_Members_and_Students_Participating_in_Academic_Competitions (2015.02.04)