Chinese Culture University Regulations Governing Incentive Rewards for Achievements in Academic Research

Adopted by the 1485th Administrative Council on 03 FEB 1999
Amended and adopted by the 1502nd Administrative Council on 07 JUN 2000
Amended and adopted by the 1508th Administrative Council on 06 DEC 2000
Amended and adopted by the 1543rd Administrative Council on 25 JUN 2003
Amended and adopted by the 1558th Administrative Council on 06 OCT 2004
Amended and adopted by the 1573rd Administrative Council on 02 NOV 2005
Amended and adopted by the 1580th Administrative Council on 08 MAR 2006
Amended and adopted by the 1612th Administrative Council on 03 SEP 2008
Amended and adopted by the 1626th Administrative Council on 21 JUL 2009
Amended and adopted by the 1635th Administrative Council on 07 APR 2010
Amended and adopted by the 1639th Administrative Council on 04 AUG 2010
Amended and adopted by the 1645th Administrative Council on 01 DEC 2010
Amended and adopted by the 1656th Administrative Council on 04 MAY 2011
Amended and adopted by the 1673rd Administrative Council on 03 OCT 2012
Amended and adopted by the 1684th Administrative Council on 03 JUL 2013
Amended and adopted by the 1690th Administrative Council on 08 JAN 2014
Amended and adopted by the 1700th Administrative Council on 01 OCT 2014
Amended and adopted by the 1709th Administrative Council on 03 JUN 2015
Amended and adopted by the 1751st Administrative Council on 05 DEC 2018
Amended and adopted by the 1753rd Administrative Council on 13 FEB 2019

Article 1
The present Regulations are prescribed by the Chinese Culture University (“the University”) to encourage full-time and part-time faculty members to engage in professional research and to increase the academic levels of the University

Article 2
Any research paper, written work, creative work, athletic achievement, patent or research project, and cooperative education material that has been published is eligible to apply for an incentive reward on the basis of the present Regulations.

Article 3
Applications for such incentive rewards shall be limited to research papers, books, digitized curriculum materials, artworks, and design creations that are original works, applications that comply with the present Regulations shall each be granted an incentive payment of 3,000 to 90,000 NTD, and incentive payments awarded to any one applicant shall not exceed a total of 400,000 NTD per academic year.

Article 4
Incentive rewards and eligible items:

1. Research papers

(1) For journal articles or papers that are included in the Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) database, an incentive payment of 40,000 NTD per piece shall be awarded.

(2) For journal articles or papers that are included in either the Science Citation Index (SCI) or the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), in accordance to the ranking of the field to which an academic journal belongs as published in the latest Journal Citation Report (JCR) at the time of application:

Category 1: for an application with a piece published in an academic journal that is ranked within the top 5% in the field by the JCR, an incentive payment of 80,000 NTD per piece shall be awarded.

Category 2: for an application with a piece published in an academic journal that is ranked between the top 6% to 15% in the field by the JCR, an incentive payment of 60,000 NTD per piece shall be awarded.

Category 3: for an application with a piece published in an academic journal that is ranked between the top 16% to 40% in the field by the JCR, an incentive payment of 40,000 NTD per piece shall be awarded.

Category 4: for an application with a piece published in an academic journal that is either ranked below the top 41% in the field by the JCR or is not included in the JCR, an incentive payment of 30,000 NTD per piece shall be awarded.

For any article published with either a first author or a corresponding author (nonetheless, the first author of such article shall be a student of the University), an additional 10,000 NTD per piece shall be awarded as translation fee or publication fee.

(3)For journal articles that are included in the SCOPUS citation database, in accordance to the ranking of the field to which a journal article belongs as published in the latest Scientific Journal Rankings (SJR) at the time of application, an incentive payment of 40,000 NTD per piece shall be awarded to those ranked at Q1 and an incentive payment of 20,000 NTD per piece shall be awarded to those ranked at Q2.

For any article that has either a first author or a corresponding author (nonetheless, the first author of such article shall be a student of the University) and is included in the SCOPUS and ranked at Q1 in the pertinent field per the SJR, an additional 10,000 NTD per piece shall be awarded as translation fee or publication fee.

(4) For journal articles or papers that are included in the Taiwan Humanities Citation Index (THCI) as a category one piece or in the Taiwan Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI) as a category one piece per the latest bulletin of the Evaluation of Taiwan Humanities and Social Sciences Journals, an incentive payment of 30,000 NTD per piece shall be awarded; journal articles or papers evaluated as a category two piece, an incentive payment of 20,000 NTD per piece shall be awarded; while the remaining categories shall not be awarded.

(5)For journal articles or papers that are included in the Engineering Village (EI, journal articles or papers only) and in the Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI) duly recognized and approved as such by the Faculty Member Evaluation Committee of the University (“the Faculty Evaluation Committee”), an incentive payment of 20,000 NTD shall be awarded.

(6) Incentive payments for research papers shall be awarded per the scheme provided in Attachment Table 1.

The incentive rewards of the present item are limited to original articles and review articles categorized as such by the database publishers; a research article or paper authored by a full-time or part-time faculty member of the University shall be published on behalf of the University to be eligible for incentive rewards of the present item, while a commendation certificate shall be awarded for each such piece.

2. Books
For the purpose of the present Regulations, a book refers to a publicly published piece of academic work that is assigned an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) (and shall be pre-cataloged by the National Central Library if published domestically) and is authored by a full-time/part-time faculty member of the University on the basis of the professional knowledge or thoughts and experiences in terms of teaching of said faculty member, whose job title at the University shall be set forth in the author biography. A commendation certificate is awarded for each such piece, while the incentive payment for same is awarded according to the following criteria:

(1) For any book publication that is approved per the “Operational Guidelines for the Grant Program on the writing of Academic Books in Humanities and Social Sciences” of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology, or for any book publication that is approved per the “Operational Guidelines for granting of Subsidies to Manuscript Review for Journals” of the Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology, an incentive payment of 80,000 NTD per piece shall be awarded.

(2) For any book that is published, assigned an ISBN (be pre-cataloged by the National Central Library if published domestically), and approved by a college evaluation committee, an incentive payment of 30,000 NTD per piece shall be awarded.

(3) For any book that is coauthored by several authors, the incentive payment shall be distributed by the co-authoring faculty members of the University amongst themselves; for this purpose, a coauthor must be a co-participant in completing the entirety of the book in question, and no incentive reward shall be awarded to any one that authored only a portion, whether a chapter or a section, of the book.

(4) Textbooks, compilations, technical reports, translations, and nonacademic works (as identified by a college evaluation committee) do not fall within the scope of the present incentive reward.

3. Artwork and design creations: for applications (such as solo exhibitions, concerts/recitals, dance creations, performances, theatrical screenplay, directing, design works, etc.) that satisfy the criteria set out in the “Operational Guidelines for the Screening of Qualification of Art Teachers with Works and Achievement Certificates at Institutions of Higher Education,” a commendation certificate shall be awarded for each such instance, while the criteria for awarding incentive payments are as follows:

(1)  For any application involving an award of a major international professional competition, publication by invitation in a major international professional exhibition or reposition by an international cultural institution, an incentive payment of 80,000 NTD shall be awarded per set of entries, per series of exhibition events or per set of reposited works. For applications that do not satisfy the criteria set out in the present item, the criteria of the subsequent item may be applicable in the distribution of incentive payments.

(2) For any application involving the third place or above in a major national professional competition, publication by invitation in a major national professional exhibition or in a professional exhibition organized by a national cultural institution, or reposition by a national cultural institution, the Taipei Fine Arts Museum or the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, an incentive payment of 50,000 NTD per piece shall be awarded. For applications that do not satisfy the criteria set out in the present item, the criteria of the subsequent item may be applicable in the distribution of incentive payments.

(3)For any application involving publication by invitation in a professional exhibition organized by a cultural institution of a special municipality government, an incentive payment of 30,000 NTD per set of entries or per series of exhibition events shall be awarded. For applications that do not satisfy the criteria set out in the present item, the criteria of the subsequent item may be applicable in the distribution of incentive payments.

(4) For any application involving publication by invitation in a professional exhibition organized by a cultural institution of a county/municipal government or private cultural institution, or in a professional exhibition having a review system, an incentive payment of 20,000 NTD per series of exhibition events shall be awarded.

(5)  “An “international” competition or exhibition refers to any such event that is either conducted in English or provided with English translation and/or interpretation; a “national” competition or exhibition refers to any such event involving participants or invitees from at least seven counties/municipalities.
(6)A “major professional” competition or exhibition refers to any such event that is well known in the pertinent professional field and is held on a regular basis but excludes events related to non-competitive exchanges, commercial entertainment or touristic programs.

(7) For any joint publication or exhibition, a same event is limited to one application only and either of the following criteria shall be satisfied: 

i.  Music: the performance by the applicant (including directors and conductors) shall be ten (10) minutes or more;

ii. Fine arts: the number of artworks created by the applicant shall account for one-third (1/3) or more of all of the artworks presented in a joint exhibition;

iii. Animation: the animation created by the applicant shall have a running time of two (2) minutes or more;

iv. Dance: the performance by the applicant (including directors or choreographers) shall be five (5) minutes or more; and,

v.Theatrical play: the performance by the applicant (including directors or playwrights) shall be five (5) minutes or more.

(8) An applicant shall provide proof for the performance and/or exhibition, invitation letter, creative work publication, and other supporting data pertaining to the exhibition activities.

(9) The review process for the above requires, upon approval in a preliminary review by the college to which the applicant faculty member is affiliated, submission to the Academic Review Committee for review thereby.

4. Patents for inventions:
For patents granted domestically or overseas and filed by full-time/part-time faculty members of the University with the University as the assignee, a commendation certificate is awarded for each patent and an incentive payment is awarded on the basis of the following criteria:

(1) domestic invention patent: 20,000 NTD

(2) domestic utility model patent: 10,000 NTD

(3) domestic design patent: 5,000 NTD

(4) foreign patent: 30,000 NTD Only one of the above items may be applied if an invention is granted simultaneously a domestic patent and a foreign patent.

5. Athletic achievements

For any full-time or part-time faculty member of the University who either is an athlete or serves as the coach of a national sports team or of a sports team of the University shall be awarded with a commendation certificate and an incentive reward; the criteria for awarding such incentive reward are as follows:

(1) Level One, Level Two or Level Three Guoguang Sports Medal, an incentive payment of 40,000 NTD, 30,000 NTD or 20,000 NTD respectively shall be awarded;

(2) top-three places in either the Paralympic Games or the Deaflympics, an incentive payment of 40,000 NTD shall be awarded; top-three places in the World Games, an incentive payment of 30,000 NTD; top-three places in the Far East and South Pacific Games for the Disabled, an incentive payment of 20,000 NTD shall be awarded;

(3) top-three places in the Universiade, an incentive payment of 20,000 NTD shall be awarded; and,

(4) a commendation certificate is also awarded in addition to the incentive payment.

6. Research project incentive rewards: when executing an externally-funded research project

(1) the “Implementing Guidelines for rewarding Special and Outstanding Research Talent” of the University shall govern;

(2) for anyone who is awarded research project grants for three consecutive years by the Ministry of Science and Technology, a commendation certificate shall be awarded;

(3) for anyone with a lump sum of 3,000,000 NTD or more in research projects during the previous academic year, a commendation certificate shall be awarded; and,

(4) for any externally-funded research project applied on behalf of the University, insofar as such project has provisions for administrative management fees, the administrative management fees appropriated by the University for the project shall first be used in paying for necessary expenses such as various insurance premiums and retirement pensions that are not covered by personnel and operating expenses, a sum that accounts for 20% to 50% of the remainder may be allotted by the University as incentive payments to the research project moderator(s) and the office(s) affiliated thereto; however, research projects provided with matching funds by the University shall be excluded; the distribution ratio of the incentive payment shall be set be the affiliated tier-one unit.

7. For any faculty member who guides a student of the University in applying for a Ministry of Science and Technology-sponsored college student research project, provided that said project is approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology, an incentive payment of 5,000 NTD per project shall be awarded.

8. For any faculty member who guides a student of the University in composing a research report on the execution of a Ministry of Science and Technology-sponsored college student research project, provided that said report is considered to have exhibited outstanding performance and creativity by the Ministry of Science and Technology, an incentive payment of 10,000 per project shall be awarded.

Eligibility for incentive rewards of aforementioned items 1-4 is limited to publications on behalf of the University or patent assignees, that of aforementioned items 6-8 is limited to applications on behalf of the University.

For an application that does not comply with the above incentive criteria, if an incentive reward is deemed necessary upon review by the pertinent unit of the applicant, the reasons for and the amount of an incentive payment to be awarded shall be submitted to the Academic Development Committee for review. If the result of the review supports the necessity, the Office of Research and Development shall be made responsible to make a submission to three professor-level experts or scholars not affiliated to the University for ad hoc review, from which a recommendation shall be made on whether the incentive criteria are met and on the amount of the incentive payment; then the Academic Development Committee shall undertake a secondary review. The Office of Research and Development shall bear the costs for reviews not affiliated with the University; however, if the amount of the incentive payment recommended by the affiliated unit is higher than that in the result of the secondary review of the Academic Development Committee, the affiliated unit shall bear the costs for reviews not affiliated with the University.

Article 5
Restrictions to Academic Research Achievement Incentive Rewards

1. With respect applications pertaining to journal articles that are included in either the A&HCI, SCI, SSCI, EI (journal articles only), TSSCI, THCI Core or an outstanding journal in the CSSCI and duly recognized and approved as such by the Faculty Member Evaluation Committee of the University, full eligibility is limited to two inclusions for each journal per year (in terms of submission dates), and incentive rewards awarded to the third inclusion and onwards shall be reduced by half.

2. Insofar as the first author of a journal article is a student of the University, the corresponding author of such article shall be treated as a lead coauthor in the distribution of incentive payments.

3. With respect to achievements in academic research for which the University served as the organizer, incentive rewards awarded to each item shall be reduced by half.

Article 6
Incentive Reward Application and Review:

1. With respect to research papers as prescribed in item (1) of paragraph 1 of the previous article, within one year after the research paper is included in the database, the application may be filled and submitted along with any relevant supporting data attached thereto to the competent department chair and dean for verification, and thereupon be submitted to the Office of Research and Development for re-verification.

2.With respect to the books as prescribed in item (2), the artworks as prescribed in item (3), and the athletic achievements as prescribed in item (5) of paragraph 1 of article 4, within three months after the eligible event took place, relevant documents shall be submitted by the applicant to the competent college evaluation committee for verification, and upon approval thereby, be submitted with the minutes of the verification meeting to the Office of Research and Development for re-verification.

3.With respect to patents as prescribed in item (4) of paragraph 1 of article 4, when granted, a copy of the certificate of the patent granted shall be submitted to the department and college evaluation committees for verification and thereupon be submitted to the Office of Research and Development for re-verification.

4.Matters prescribed in items (6) to (8) of paragraph 1 of article 4 shall be handled actively by the Office of Research and Development.

Any faculty member applying for an incentive reward shall furnish the Faculty Member Achievement Registration System with relevant data; the Office of Research and Development shall compile the facts pertaining to the works that are verified upon review as eligible for the incentive rewards and make a submission to the Academic Development Committee for review. The incentive payments shall be disbursed in July and December each year for the approved works, and additionally, a public commendation ceremony shall be held on a suitable date to be determined. However, if a work is found by the Faculty Evaluation Committee to be in violation of research ethics, the corresponding incentive payment shall be surrendered.

Article 7
The present Regulations and any amendment thereto shall be implemented upon being adopted by the Administrative Council.

In case of any discrepancies between the Chinese original and this translation, the Chinese original shall prevail.

Attachment Table 1: Scheme for the distribution of incentive payments awarded to research papers per the Academic Research Achievement Incentive Rewards

  1. If all of the coauthors of a research paper are either faculty members and/or students of the University, then said research paper is deemed as an independent work, the incentive payment disbursed therefor shall be distributed at the discretion of the first author. However, if the first author is a student, the incentive payment disbursed for said research paper shall be distributed in a scheme identical to that when an external person serves as a coauthor.
  2. If the coauthors of a research paper comprise an external person, then the incentive payment disbursed for said research paper shall be distributed on the basis of the following table:

    Scheme for distribution of incentive payments when coauthors comprise an external person (a correspondent author is treated as a lead coauthor)


1.The provision whereby a corresponding author of a journal article shall be treated as a first author in the distribution of incentive payments shall be governed by paragraph 2 of Article 5.

2. Any coauthor ranked beyond the fifth shall receive no incentive payment.

Chinese Culture University Regulations Governing Incentive Rewards for Achievements in Academic Research 108.2.13